ULTIMA CONTEXT 2024 Fluid Formations
Fluid Formations er en del av Ultimafestivalens Context-program og skal bringe sammen kunstnere, forskere, utøvere og publikum til en todagers samling på Vega Scene, der man lytter og tenker sammen.
ULTIMA CONTEXT 2024 Fluid Formations
13. september 14.00 - 19:00
14. september 10.00 - 23:30
Vega Scene
English below.
Inviterte kunstnere engasjerer seg i de flerartede økologiene vi er en del av, og de historiene som fortsatt gir gjenklang og påvirker oss i dag. I programmet spør de hvordan vi kan lytte til miljøet midt i pågående geopolitiske konflikter og den stadig akselererende klimakrisen. Hvordan kan vi forstå oss selv som «flytende formasjoner»?
I løpet av de to dagene vil deltagerne innta forskjellige lytte-posisjoner i det de adresserer spørsmål rundt musikk og migrasjon, miljø, og stemmen som (politisk) instrument. Ved å veksle mellom samtaler (sammenløp), lytte-sessions (sideelver), visninger (strømmer) og radiointervjuer (bølger), stiller programmet spørsmål om hvordan det å samle seg rundt musikk og lyd kan fostre empati og solidaritet med andre, spesielt i vår trøblete tid.
Som en del av Ultimas Context program Fluid Formations, presenterer Ultima, MIRAGE og Vega Scene et omfattende filmprogram lørdag 14. september.
Filmene Taming the Garden av Salomé Jashi (2021), Victor Kossakovskys Aquarela (2020) og Geographies of Solitude (2022) av Jacquelyn Mills inviterer til refleksjon over hvordan vi kan tilpasse oss miljøene våre midt i pågående geopolitiske kriser og en akselererende klimakrise. Visningene åpnes med videointroduksjoner av filmskaperne.
Programmet holdes på engelsk.
I samarbeid med Rewire, MIRAGE, Norsk Komponistforening, Radio Worm. Støttet av EUs kulturprogram Kreativ Europa som en del av Sounds Now.
13. september, 14:00 - 19:00
14:00 - 14:10 Introduction by Heloisa Amaral and Katía Truijen
14:10 - 14:30 The Oceanographies Institute, lecture performance by Marialena Marouda
14:30 - 15:15 fathom, Katía Truijen in conversation with Jana Winderen, Chris Watson, Tony Myatt
15:15 - 15:30 Planktonium, a short film by Jan van IJken
16:00 - 16:45 Tremble Staves, Katya García-Antón in conversation with Raven Chacon and Sarah Zahid
16:45 - 17:15 Láibmat, a short film by Margrethe Pettersen, Dana Tomešková, Maia Birkeland and Christina Disington.
17:15 - 18:30 Wave Through assembly on listening to (endangered) ecologies and cultures in the face of contemporary crises, with Marialena Marouda, Anne Hytta, Margrethe Pettersen, Raven Chacon, Sarah Zahid, Katya García-Anton, curated and moderated by Giada Dalla Bontà and Katía Truijen
18:30 - 19:00 Horizontal Stillness, performance by Anne Hytta
14:30 - 15:00 Esi Eshun and Cường Minh Bá Phạm
15:30 - 16:00 Pouya Pour-Amin and Rasha Nahas
16:15 - 16:45 Berno Odo Polzer and Katía Truijen (House of Listening)
17:30 - 18:00 Enji and Kristin Norderval
Radio conversations in collaboration with Radio WORM, led by Ash Kilmartin
14. september, 10:00 - 23:30
10:00 - 10:45 Soundwalk Akerselva led by Gyrid Nordal Kaldestad
starting point at bus stop Arendalsgata at 10:00
11:00 - 11:45 Black Industrial/Noise, Oliver Fuke in conversation with Dubmorphology and Nkisi
11:45 - 12:15 The Third Pole: Moving Mountains, listening session by Nischal Khadka
12:15 - 13:15 The Politics of Participation, a film by Megan-Leigh Heilig, presented by Sounds Now
13:30 - 14:15 Dancing into Fire, Giada Dalla Bontà in conversation with Fatemeh Ekhtesari and Oddrun Lilja
14:30 - 15:15 Freedom to Move, in conversation with Emily Adomah, Reshail Mansoor, Kaia Rullestad Teigen, moderated by Radna Rumping
15:30 - 16:30 Wave Crest assembly on sounds as instruments of resistance, protest, and solidarity with Fatemeh Ekhtesari, Oddrun Lilja, Nischal Khadka, Polina Medvedeva, Andreas Kühne, Pouya Pour-Amin, curated and moderated by Giada Dalla Bontà and Katía Truijen
16:30 - 17:00 Facing the spills: a borderland listening,lecture performance by Polina Medvedeva and Andreas Kühne
11:30 - 12:00 Curating Lab on Lyden av minner er lyden av hjemsoundwalk
12:15 - 12:45 Lucia D’Errico and students from KHiO (Oslo National Academy Norway)
13:00 - 16:00 artists to be confirmed
16:15 - 16:45 Viktorija Šiaulytė and JL Murtaugh
Radio conversations in collaboration with Radio WORM, led by Ash Kilmartin
Fluid Formations presenteres i samarbeid med Rewire-festivalen og er kuratert av Katia Truijen.
Kinosal 1 & 3
17:15 - 19:00 Taming the Garden, a film by Salomé Jashi (2021)
19:30 - 21:10 Aquarela, a film by Victor Kossakovsky (2020)
21:30 - 23:20 Geographies of Solitude, a film by Jacquelyn Mills (2022)
Film programme curated in collaboration with MIRAGE film festival
ULTIMA CONTEXT 2024 Fluid Formations
13 September 14.00 - 19:00
14 September 10.00 - 23:30
Vega Scene
Fluid Formations brings artists, researchers, practitioners and audience members together in a two-day gathering of communal listening and thinking in and around Vega Scene.
Invited artists engage with the multispecies ecologies we are part of, and the histories that continue to resonate with and affect us today. The programme asks how to listen to our environment against the background of ongoing geopolitical crises and an accelerating climate emergency. How to understand ourselves as ‘fluid formations’?
Over the two days, participants will engage with different listening positions, while addressing questions around music and migration, environmental listening, and the voice as a (political) instrument. Alternating between conversations (confluences), listening sessions (tributaries), screenings (streams) and radio interviews (waves), the programme asks how gathering around music and sound can encourage empathy and solidarity with others, especially in the present difficult times.
Fluid Formations is presented in collaboration with Rewire festival, the annual international festival for adventurous music in The Hague, and is curated by Katía Truijen.
As part of Ultima’s context programme Fluid Formations, Ultima, MIRAGE and Vega Scene present an extensive film programme on Saturday September 14.
The films Taming the Garden by Salomé Jashi (2021), Victor Kossakovsky's Aquarela (2020), and Geographies of Solitude (2022) by Jacquelyn Mills, invite reflection on how to attune to our environments amidst ongoing geopolitical crises and an accelerating climate emergency. The screenings will open with video introductions by the filmmakers.
Participants include Jana Winderen, Chris Watson, Tony Myatt, Polina Medvedeva, Andreas Kühne, Megan-Leigh Heilig, Giada Dalla Bontà, Ash Kilmartin, Radna Rumping (and more tbc)
In collaboration with Rewire, MIRAGE, Norsk Komponistforening and Radio Worm. Supported by Creative Europe Programme of the European Union as part of Sounds Now.